We'll start with the most unbelievable quote. Kelly was in the tub this morning and I left for just a moment to get a drink of water. When I came back in the bathroom she said, "Hi! How ah ya?" I burst out laughing because, 1. it sounded ridiculous coming out of the mouth of a 16 month old and 2. it was just so darn cute! I said, "Hello Kelly. How are you?" She said, "good" and then continued eating bubbles.
Today Brian was helping Kate do something and I heard him say, "Come on kiddo you can do it! Come on Katie, you little sweetie heart."
Today Brian was also telling our 13 year old neighbor what to do, well it was more like he was ordering her around and yelling at her. After three warnings to stop bossing her around I put him in time out. A bit later we were in the house and he said to me, "I was just angry before. I had just had enough." I said, "enough of what?" Brian replied, "you." I had mixed feelings about this answer, part of me thought it was funny and part of me thought of sending him to time out again for talking fresh to me. He also told me yesterday that I should "calm down." I ignored that comment.
Today I overheard Kate talking to a worm she found. She told the worm to listen carefully and then she showed it around the yard. A little while later poor Kate sacrificed her knees and forehead to save the worm. She tripped on the rode while holding the worm, and instead of letting him go in order to break her fall, she held onto him and hit her head and knee on the pavement. The irony of the whole thing? When she fell her palm was up and when she hit the pavement with her head she squished the worm into her hair. When she stood up she was crying because she was hurt and because she couldn't find the worm. I pulled his lifeless body out of her hair and she carried him home. I guess there was no love lost though because soon after we got home I saw her pulling him apart...lovely! At that point I made her throw him away. May he rest in pieces...I know I know, that was awful!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Homemade playdough!
It's not only fun to make, but it's fun to mix colors in too!!!
3 Cups Flour
3 Cups water
1 1/2 Cups salt
3 TBSP oil
3 TBSP cream of tartar
food coloring
Place all ingredients in a pot over low heat, stirring almost constantly. It will form a ball in about 10 minutes. (PS, if you only want one color of playdough, mix the food coloring in with the water before you cook it. However, if you want a lot of different colors then mix after it's been made and it has cooled slightly).
3 Cups Flour
3 Cups water
1 1/2 Cups salt
3 TBSP oil
3 TBSP cream of tartar
food coloring
Place all ingredients in a pot over low heat, stirring almost constantly. It will form a ball in about 10 minutes. (PS, if you only want one color of playdough, mix the food coloring in with the water before you cook it. However, if you want a lot of different colors then mix after it's been made and it has cooled slightly).
Our PBS Kids house!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Little Miss. High Maintenance
Kelly is, shall we say "demanding" (to put in nicely). Often times we have no idea what she wants and we end up running around like crazy people trying to figure it out, before the screeching begins. Thankfully she is talking more and we were able to figure out exactly what she needed this morning for breakfast. The items in demand where: her "hmoomie" (smoothie), wieeo (Youtube Wiggles videos), and the American flag. Can you imagine trying to get all those things if she WASN'T talking!!!!?? No wonder why there was no pleasing her before!!! Anyway, I wait in nervous anticipation for what her requests will be at lunchtime!!

Monday, April 19, 2010
How old are you anyway Kelly?!
A few things about 15 month old Kelly: She likes to jump on the trampoline. She wanted me to hold her hands the other day so she could walk up the stairs BACKWARDS. Today Jeff was at the bottom of the stairs watching Kelly and she started walking down the stairs (very well), using the handrail. Kelly got upset today when the cashier at Shaw's wasn't saying "hi" back to her, so she started yelling "hi" and waving her hands at her. When we got home from the store I looked back at Kelly and said, "how are you?" and Kelly said, "good." The other day Jeff asked Kelly if she wanted her "baba" (bottle) and Kelly replied, "no, I no want baba." (Jeff almost fell over). Today, while watching "Beauty and the Beast", Kelly looked back at me and said "uh oh" right before a scary part (she watches WAY too much t.v.). When I came in the living room the other day Kelly was sitting on the couch, holding the remote, aiming it at the t.v., and pushing the buttons trying to turn it on (again...she watches WAAAY too much t.v.) Kelly continues to have a love affair with the toilet. However, now she prefers climbing onto it when the lid is down, versus playing in it. I don't know which I prefer...wet toilet hands or falling off the toilet and having her hit her head on the bathtub...guess we'll just have to lock the bathroom door from now on. Ummmm, anything else?? She's a total love bug! She loves to cuddle, she loves her brother and sister, she is funny as anything, she is cute as a button, she loves to give kisses, and she's too smart for her own good! She's my little stick of dynamite!!!! She is a blessing and a gift and I love her to pieces!!!!!!!
Whatever Brian, whatever!
Brian is a thinker. He's always thinking about something and today he was thinking a lot about growing. While we were sitting in the living room he turned to me and said, "When I grow my bum gets bigger and bigger, and when it's the BIGGEST I'll need to wear your underwear. Oh oops, I mean Dad's underwear." WHATEVER BRIAN! Believe me, I know that he really did mean to say his Dad's underwear the first time, but I'm not ruling out a Freudian slip!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
A Spur of the moment trip to see Great Nana!
Great Nana giving her grandson Brian a BIG hug, and Brian is giving her one just as BIG right back!

Great Nana and Kate having a nice moment on the couch. Notice that Great Nana is wearing her "life call" button. The only reason she has it on is because Brian found it on the door knob to her bedroom and pushed the button! My dad was there too and he said, "that wouldn't have happened if you were wearing this, Ma!" Nana reluctantly put it on and then proceeded to keep saying, "Oh wow, doesn't this just make the outfit!" and "So beautiful!"

Kelly says, "Great Nana let me in!" (fyi, she didn't really say that).

It would not be a trip to see Great Nana without some type of junk food. Today my children feasted on cookies, graham crackers, doughnut, m&ms AND strawberries (just a touch of nutrition to round out the sugar). You know what though? I wouldn't want it any other way!

I tried to get everyone to look at me so I held up a blue m&m. Nana couldn't get her eyes off it either! (fyi, Nana's left eye was red and irritated looking yesterday but started to get better as the visit went on...I'm sure she'll say she hates this picture of herself because of her eye...but I think she looks beautiful!).

I have to say that bringing my three small children to see my Nana without any assistance could be considered a crazy move by some. However, I couldn't have asked for a better visit. My three munchkins were so well behaved (oh, I forgot..they had popsicles too) and I loved seeing them with Nana.
Great Nana and Kate having a nice moment on the couch. Notice that Great Nana is wearing her "life call" button. The only reason she has it on is because Brian found it on the door knob to her bedroom and pushed the button! My dad was there too and he said, "that wouldn't have happened if you were wearing this, Ma!" Nana reluctantly put it on and then proceeded to keep saying, "Oh wow, doesn't this just make the outfit!" and "So beautiful!"
Kelly says, "Great Nana let me in!" (fyi, she didn't really say that).
It would not be a trip to see Great Nana without some type of junk food. Today my children feasted on cookies, graham crackers, doughnut, m&ms AND strawberries (just a touch of nutrition to round out the sugar). You know what though? I wouldn't want it any other way!
I tried to get everyone to look at me so I held up a blue m&m. Nana couldn't get her eyes off it either! (fyi, Nana's left eye was red and irritated looking yesterday but started to get better as the visit went on...I'm sure she'll say she hates this picture of herself because of her eye...but I think she looks beautiful!).
I have to say that bringing my three small children to see my Nana without any assistance could be considered a crazy move by some. However, I couldn't have asked for a better visit. My three munchkins were so well behaved (oh, I forgot..they had popsicles too) and I loved seeing them with Nana.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Mr. Michael D....or as I like to call him...
Mr. Munchkin muffin nugget cheeseburger french fries ice cream sundae with a cherry on top baby boy! Just you wait Michael...Auntie Colleen is going to eat you all up when I see you in July! Oh, don't cry Michael! Don't be scared! Auntie Colleen is not REALLY going to EAT you, but I'm going to kiss you all over and squeeze your chubby little chubs!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
One day of heat...hot heat...is enough for us right now
That Kate Kate (and Brian)
Kate is potty trained, mostly, but she still hasn't gotten used to underwear. Most of the time she takes it off moments after I've put it on her, and when she does keep it on I'll hear periodically throughout the day that it's, "being silly." Well last night Jeff was getting her ready for bed and he put some "fresh pants" on her for bed. Kate began tugging at them as usual and then said, "this underwear is wrecking my bum!" Well gosh, we don't want to wreck any bums now do we?!
Today it's 86 degrees out (one of those strange days in early April when you think summer is just around the corner and then it will snow next week). Anyway, I just brought the kids in for lunch and Kate asked for hot chocolate and a pickle. I told her that we didn't have pickles and did she mean "cold" chocolate milk? She said, "no, hot chocolate." I made some for both Brian and Kate. When I gave it to them Brian took a sip and said, "aah, what a perfect day for hot chocolate." Whatever floats your boat, I guess!
Today it's 86 degrees out (one of those strange days in early April when you think summer is just around the corner and then it will snow next week). Anyway, I just brought the kids in for lunch and Kate asked for hot chocolate and a pickle. I told her that we didn't have pickles and did she mean "cold" chocolate milk? She said, "no, hot chocolate." I made some for both Brian and Kate. When I gave it to them Brian took a sip and said, "aah, what a perfect day for hot chocolate." Whatever floats your boat, I guess!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Some family pictures from Easter
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