...or so I thought.
I finally started feeling better today, thank you antibiotics and Advil, and I knew the kids needed to get out of the house (and yard). Seeing as it was yet another grossly disgusting humid day, and because I'm not back in full force, I thought I would get ice cream for the kids at the McDonald's drive-thru and then let them eat them at the small airport in town. Simple, right?? Get the kids in the car, purchase three ice creams, get the kids out of the car, give them their ice cream, then let them eat the ice cream while watching planes take off and land. Sounded perfect to me!
First of all I made the mistake of saying the word "ice cream" in front of Kelly before we even left the driveway, so I had the pleasure of listening to her say "ice cream", and cry about ice cream the whole way to McDonald's. We finally got to McDonald's where Kelly watched me pull a tray with three cups of ice cream into the car and place it on the front seat. I was then fortunate enough to listen to Kelly say "ice cream" and cry about ice cream with much greater intensity all the way to the airport. It's only a 3-5 minute drive, but it felt like 45 days.
When we arrived at the airport I parked, unbuckled the kids, and told them to wait by the minivan while I got out the ice cream tray and shut the two sliding minivan doors. The best part about our minivan is that we have automatic sliding doors i.e., I just hit a button on my key chain and they slide shut. The worst part about our minivan, is that we have automatic sliding doors. I see you're confused. Don't be, I'll explain. The sliding doors only work when they want to, and today the passenger side sliding door, didn't want to. When an automatic sliding door decides it doesn't want to close completely there's no reasoning with it, and there's certainly no wrestling with it. So after 5 or 6 TOTALLY FRUSTRATING attempts at trying to close the stupid (I would rather use a stronger word here) door, with two preschoolers and a toddler waiting for their quickly melting ice cream, I aborted trying to close the door and left the minivan wide open for the world to steal or rummage through.
We finally got up to the top of the hill and I gave the kids their ice cream. The kids took them and proceeded to spill a good portion of each of them all over the bench...and I hadn't brought any wipes. I tried to wipe the bench off as best as I could with napkins and then I sat down. Aaaah, time to relax. However, as soon as I sat I realized that I'd left my purse in the open van. I could see the van, and felt fairly certain that nobody was going to steal my purse, but I couldn't relax (for obvious reasons). About 5 minutes into the ice cream eating Kate starts crying and saying she wants to go home (I think she was afraid of the helicopter noise). I said, "absolutely not" and she stopped for about 30 seconds. Then she said she had to go to the bathroom (honestly, I don't think she had to go...but she knew that would get her home). I told her to hold until they all finished their ice cream. When ice creams were eaten, and my children were covered head to toe in them, I took them down to the little Greek restaurant adjacent to the airport, so Kate could use the bathroom.
When I entered the restaurant I observed one elderly couple eating and one hostess at the food counter. Before I could even ask if I could use the bathroom she said, "take out or eating in?" I said, "Can we use the bathroom?", and she looked at me without smiling and said, "are you going to be buying anything?" I quickly said, "oh yes, of course" and she pointed to the bathroom. So, the four of us marched to the bathroom where we all went (except for Kelly) and I was able to wash them all down. However, bathrooms are apparently quite exciting and Brian and Kate decided it would be a great place to start running around in circles. I got them out of the bathroom, sat Brian and Kate at a table (Kelly refused to sit) and began looking at the food behind the glass because I HAD to purchase something. Well I have to say, the food looked amazing. All homemade desserts, salads, wraps etc. They had these massive cheesecake cupcakes with baklava on the top so I selected one of those (so as you can see, my diet is going fabulously). While making my selection Brian had gotten up from his seat and was running around the table, and Kelly was pulling olives off this little olive tree they had!!! Are you kidding me?? I'll bet the lady was wishing I had just used the bathroom and left at that point. So I went to pay, but had no cash and asked if I could use my debit card. Again, she looked at me without smiling and said, "it's a $10 minimum." I asked, "how much is the cupcake?", "$5.25"...HOLY CRAP! So I said, "well I guess I'll have two to go." While I was paying Kelly noticed the bowl of dum dum lollipops on the counter and now began perseverating on asking for a pop. Here you go kid, have some more sugar! I took my bag and what little nerves and patience I had left and went outside.
We all marched back up the hill because we hadn't seen an airplane yet, and because I told Brian he could run around for a while (and clearly, he needed to). Kate continued crying and clinging to me because of the helicopter noise, and Kelly had her lollipop. Kate, Kelly and I sat on a rock, in the heat, and Brian ran around, and we waited for an airplane. Huge sigh at this point, things were starting to settle down and it was becoming the relaxing time I had imagined us having. Oh, oh...not so fast!! You see, when Kelly eats lollipops she enjoys rolling them (the pop end) in her hands, which makes her hands - sticky. Kelly didn't like her sticky hands so she began trying to wipe them off in the dead grass (there's no green grass around here, because we've had no rain). Kelly NOW didn't like her sticky - dead grass hands so she began trying to wipe them off in her HAIR. Kelly didn't like her sticky - dead grass hands and hair, so she began wiping herself on me - her mother - who still had no wipes. Good times, good times. It was at that time I finally made the decision to leave (I think Norwood airport had seen enough of us), and off we went, back down the hill, to our broken van.
After getting the kids all buckled in their seats, Kelly just stuck to hers, I attempted again, and again, and again and again to close the f@$#ing door (strong language is appropriate at this point), AND STILL no success! I decided to back the van up anyway, move it to a new location and try again. However, if you try and move a minivan with a door open the van makes a very loud and continuous "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!" noise, that I'm quite certain everyone within a quarter mile radius could hear. I just wanted to yell, "NO, I'm not a total moron!!! I know that the door is open, and YES I can hear that BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! too!!!" Miraculously it worked though, and once I moved the van, the door shut....THANK YOU GOD!
We made it home in one piece, Kelly got her second bath of the day, and I put on a movie for the kids - like I should have done in the first place!!!
Hope you had a chuckle, or a laugh on our behalf..........here's to our next adventure being just as "FUN" :-) ("fun" being said as sarcastically as possible).
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Condiment Queen
Tonight Kelly was eating her pasta circles (and at a pretty good clip, might I add), until she saw the containers of parmesan cheese and chunky blue cheese dressing. She literally dumped out her bowl of pasta (i.e., picked it up, turned it over and dumped the contents out all over the table and floor), and said, "Want that" over and over again until Jeff finally gave her some. Kelly then feasted on a bowl of grated parmesan cheese and chunky blue cheese dressing. I'm not kidding. She sat there eating spoonful after spoonful after spoonful. Yesterday at lunch all she wanted to do was lick ketchup (and eat an occasional fry). Does anyone remember the school house rock song that had the lyrics, "don't drown your food in mayo, salt, ketchup or goo"?? Well, what if the condiments are all your kid will eat?? Lord help us!
Strep Throat??
I have strep throat. I haven't had strep throat since I was, 10? I don't like it. It's summer. It's supposed to be 91 degrees tomorrow. Strep in that kind of heat? Well I guess the burning feeling in my body will match the burning feeling from the sun on my outer body. Yuck! I was a pediatric speech therapist for 9 years, and I never got strep. I'm at a loss here.....
Monday, July 26, 2010
A few more facebook posts
We took the kids to the zoo today (thought it was fitting since the sound coming from the inside of our minivan sounds like the zoo half the time). My 3 and 4 year old children were great...the 19 month old...not so much. I would have left her at the "blood curdling screeching-totally out of their minds- monkey exhib...it" had the zoo had one of those. But alas they didn't...so we reluctantly brought her home.
I'm thinking that the bandaids in the bandaid box, that I found floating just under the surface of the toilet bowl water, are no longer sterile. Anyone think differently?
Went to the gym again this morning. I kind of feel like a nun in a biker bar, or a sheep amongst wolves. But you know what? I kind of like it....being so close to "danger," entering a world far apart from "Dora", where nobody wears a diaper (I think...I hope). Maybe I'll start teasing my hair before I go, or apply ...a fake tattoo on my neck, or buy my own leather lifting belt. The possibilities are endless!
Went to the gym. Joan Jett look allike was not there, but work boot, jean shorts, leather lifting weight belt guy was. Also there was crazy, psycho, ex-con looking (yet very attractive), "flea" look-a-like from RHCP, US POSTAL WORKER guy who I've heard say such things as: parole officer, "should have pulled a knife"..., "Fahgettaboutit", and "....gun." I feel so close to danger while riding the recumbant bike!
The classy scene and very classic line of "DOODIES DOODIES!!!" from Caddy Shack is what came to mind after what happened in the tub this evening. Unfortunately, a "Baby Ruth" is not what was lurking in the bubbly water.
My 15 year college reunion is going on this weekend and I'm not there :-( However, rumor has it that the guy I adored all through college, who wouldn't give me the time of day, showed up at the reunion and the first thing he said to my friend was, "Is Colleen here?"...you snooze you lose buddy :-) Aaaaah, life is good.
My brother is going to Rage Against the Machine tonight in L.A. I would love to get crazy in a mosh pit, but remembered that I'm a wimp so I would only want to mosh with about 2 other small people, & I wouldn't be able to whip my head around b/c I would get a headache, & my husband reminded me I wouldn't be able to jum...p (it's hazardous "condition" many women share after childbirth)...
This would make the 7th day in a row I've woken up and had to clean up "D" (a.k.a. "the runs") from my poor little baby girl. AND the 6th morning it's been so bad I've had to change her sheets. (Don't worry..I've been talking to her doc). We won't get into the smell... Oh, and so sorry if you didn't want to read ab...out this crap (no pun intended), but after SEVEN days it became fb worthy!
My son is with his Nonni and B tonight and my husband put our littlest one to bed, and I went out for ice cream with my sweet little Kate. We sat outside the ice cream shop in the center of town, and she said "hi" to the moon and commented on the cars going by. Then we held hands and went into a few shops together. I...t certainly changed this Tuesday around for me :-)
It's only Tuesday?? Give me strength.....
Did you know that approximately 30 crayons and a pacifier can fit into the hole in the leg curl feature of a Solo-flex machine? Well my dad does, courtesy of his precious little granddaughter. Happily they came out easily and he can continue on with his daily exercise routine. Although I think any resistance they ma...y have given would have just added to the machine's muscle building potential.
Ever have a day when everything that happens seems like it could be a funny post? I do. It's hard to pick just one thing, but I have to or else I would seem like some crazy fb addict (which I'm totally not..not..not). Quote of the day btwn my 3 yr old and 4 yr old (said in a very annoyed tone): "Don't squeeze your ...bum so tight when someone is under your bum!"
No, I don't think "life is like a box of chocolates" b/c you know you're going to get something good if not great (and the box comes with a little chocolate seating chart anyway). No, life is more like a bag of oranges, a bowl of cherries, a pint of blueberries....You might bite into the best thing you've ever had, th...e worst, or somewhere in between.
needs a break, and it's not even 8am!!!!
I was sharing a tender moment this evening, with the little lady in my profile picture. I was rocking her and singing to her before bed and she was patting my face. Then without warning, she stuck her finger so uncomfortably far up my nose that my eyes teared and I began sneezing. She laughed and said, "neezing! aa...aachoo!" I guess it could have been a good kleenex commercial.
I've posted lately about my 3 and 4 year old children speaking in Spanish courtesy of "Dora" and "Diego" (they do it at the tv and also with each other). Anyway, my NINETEEN MONTH OLD handed my son the ball he had been playing with and he said, "gracias" and SHE SAID, "dee nahna"! You could have knocked me over with ...a feather! I had to re-attach my jaw to the rest of my face after that.
Tough day for my son: arm pinched in kitchen door, fell of couch and landed (lip first) onto a hard plastic dinosaur tail, slipped and hit his upper teeth/lip on a open drawer, & got off his swing and ran directly into his sister (also swinging) & was knocked down (all b/c I said, "do you want a marshmallow?" he only ...had tunnel vision for that little puff ball of sugar). Sleep well son, tomorrow is a new day.
"I don't skinny dip....I chunky dunk" hahahahaha! (oh, and by the way...that's chunky dunk WITH a bathing suit on!)
While driving on this 88 degree humid day, I realized that my seat warmer was ON!!!! I thought I was having a hot flash or a stroke!!!!
My brother and his family just left for home today (I miss them). Anyway, while here they bought "California Baby" brand natural bug repellent for baby Michael. They headed home today so he gave it to me for my kids....because they don't have biting bugs at his home...in California.....where my brother and his "California baby" live.
I just had the most spectacular day EVER with my three beautiful children!! I joke a lot and tell stories about the funny things that they/I do, but it's all out of love (and for a laugh). Sometimes it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel with three small children, but today I not only saw the light, but I felt it. And it was wonderful!
It was just about 8 years ago, on a July day like today (i.e., brutally hot), that I unknowingly stepped in a steaming pile of dog crap, just before walking into a snooty bridal salon for a final bridesmaid dress fitting. I didn't notice the stench, and start gagging, until I was half undressed in that tiny dressing room. Aaah, good times...good times.
My children have been speaking a lot of Spanish to each other since they began watching "Dora" and "Diego" (they've also started SHOUTING in Spanish at the t.v....thank you Nick and Nick
Jr!). Anyway, just now while in their little pool I thought my son
called my daughter a "grassy ass", but he was saying "gracias."
My 18 month old took an extra loooong nap today and now she is in bed for the night. Guess she needed to sleep off her hangover :-)....refer to yesterdays post if this is confusing to you.
What a wonderful day with my family! I think my 18 month old had the best time though. We think she finished off my mom's vodka gimlet when nobody was looking...she had the empty glass in her hand. A little while later she was seen wearing a tupperware container on her head. You know the saying, "it's not a party ti...ll a toddler gets drunk." That's a saying, right? Happy 4th to all!
Dreamed I was making Thanksgiving dinner last night - wrong holiday! Happy 4th everyone!!
Yesterday I went swimming in a pool and then LAYED OUT with MY EYES CLOSED for about TEN MINUTES!!!! I haven't done that since the summer of 2004!! WOW! What an AWESOME start to the weekend!!! AND today I have the day OFF!!! That's right!!! My brother is in town with Elena, and their little muffin nugget cheesebur...ger hotfudge sundae with a cherry on top, cutie pa-tootie baby boy...and I'm visiting them..ALONE!!
If you frequently look for my posts (because you enjoy reading them) but don't comment (or even if you do comment) and/ or you've told me that I should write a book will you please click the "like" option. Also, please comment on why you would buy a book that I wrote (I guess you can also comment on why you wouldn't b...uy I book from me..I'll take the criticism). Thanks in advance!!
I'm still dealing with a head cold but I can't complain. The air is dry and there is nothing in the forcast but SUN for the next several days. LOVE IT! (this means I don't need to be tranquilized anymore....just in case anyone was heading this way to knock me out for several days).
Last year I put out a plea for someone to come by and shoot me with a tranquilizer gun. Well, I'd like to put that offer out there again. You see I have a nasty head cold, the humidity is killing me, my older two keep fighting and my little one screeched at so high a decibel and pitch that I can't hear out of my righ...t ear anymore. So again...9pm tonight...tranquilizer gun that could take down a horse,,anyone?
Yesterday I heard: Gloria (Laura Branigan), Nothing Else Matters (Metallica), Even Flow (Pearl Jam), and Kiss on My List (Hall and Oates) and I said, "OH! I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" to each one. How random (or just strange) is MY taste in music.
dreamed that the Sox were in the world series & Fenway was on the beach. Paplebon was refusing to pitch or get in uniform but rather, was playing outfield in a red & white polka dot bathing suit that only covered his front (cute). I wasn't at the game though because my HUSBAND was highlighting my hair! After he fini...shed I hopped on some ladies lark to get to McDonald's and get breakfast (gross).
So the other day I clicked "like" on "the bible" because, well, I like the bible. However, I didn't realize I'd be getting status updates from "the bible" 3-4 times a day! I've now "hid" "the bible" on this Sunday afternoon. No offense "the bible" but you're getting in the way of all the other status updates. We're... supposed to get thunderstorms tonight/ tomorrow...please pray I don't get struck.
I'm so sorry if you have hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia and you're reading this right now. I'm not trying to be mean, really, I'm not. Just having some totally lame Friday night fun....totally lame! (PS, don't ask me what it means...google it...PSS, thanks Shannon!).
I just (accidentally) snorted some coffee grounds....I guess that's one way to wake up!
I feel like I'm living in The Truman Show. It seems like every day the UPS man drives by at the same time and waves, which is not that odd because he's probably on a schedule. However, every day when he drives by I'm standing at the swingset pushing my kids. No wonder why I feel like I need to escape sometimes....al...l the time...no no, just sometimes :-) Um, have any of you been secretly watching me on tv?
Humidity: I HATE it!!!!! I looooath it!!!! It makes me feel like a greasy, oily, frizzy, sticky, slimy lump of flesh. I don't like air that's heavy and wet and hard to move in. I don't like feeling like I constantly need a shower. I don't complain about the cold, or the snow or the wind or the rain.....but HUMIDITY...GRRRR!!
Things that are NOT good: coming around the corner to see your toddler standing at the top of the stairs with a marble in her hand. I believe the only thing missing from this scenario to make it complete would be a pair of scissors in her other hand....and perhaps an outlet close by.
The kids were helping me garden and my son said, "Mom, I don't know where you'd be without us kids." (I immediately thought of about 10 places I could be today). I said, "Oh really, where do you think I'd be?" He said, "Africa. Working ALL day and ALL night. They have farms there, right?" I told my brother what m...y son said, he thinks it's my skin coloring that made my son think of Africa. I think he's right.
Had our first trip to Duxbury beach yesterday and had a great time, but I learned in a VERY clear way that I cannot make this trip alone. You see, the 17 month old ran up and down the walkway and ramp the whole time, my 3 year old sat covered in sand the whole time (she was easy), and my son wanted in the water, but r...equired assistance. Going alone will be no "day at the beach", if you catch my drift.
Upon waking I didn't know that I would be going to the wake of a mother I know from church. I didn't know she had been battling with cancer for the past 4 yrs. I didn't know that I was going to totally lose it at the funeral home. What DO I know? That my heart is breaking for her 5 year old daughter and for her husb...and. I hugged my kids extra tight today, not b/c I have THEM, but because they have ME.
My husband just let me sleep in until 8:30! When I came downstairs he was just finishing up getting everyone dressed and was heading out with them to the park. I'm sitting in a quite kitchen, eating breakfast and sipping of coffee! I love you Jeff Ladino!!!!!!!
I think that taking a relaxing shower alone is soooo overrated. I mean why on earth would you want to do that when you can have a little boy pull back the curtain and comment on & question everything you're doing (and about your body i.e., "mom, what are those called again?"), all the while two little girls are screec...hing and fighting over the stool at the sink? Believe me when I tell you, there is NO greater joy!
There is a "sketchy/weathered/scrawny/older-ish" looking man that is doing carpentry work on a house up the street from me. While walking by his truck yesterday I noticed a bumper sticker on the back that read: "Dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians." I felt like showering after the visual image of that poppe...d into my head (AND I think that bumper sticker is horrible!).....
Things you don't usually hear a bunch of boys yelling to each other at the monkey bars on the playground: Boy 1: "What are you waiting for??!!! GO!!!!" Boy 2: "I CAN'T!! The baby is in the way!!!!" You see, my 17 month old has no clue that she's only one and enjoys hanging (unsupported- and with a huge smile on h...er face) on the monkey bars, for great lengths of time. :-)
My husband inspires me to face my fears and overcome them
I just heard my three year old yelling from the living room that she had just seen a kangaroo go by. When I went in to see what she was talking about she was standing on the couch looking out the window with a bra on her head. Here's to hoping that your Monday morning is just as fun, interesting, and exciting as hers is!
I would just like to post that for the second time this week my SEVENTEEN MONTH OLD is NOT NAPPING!!!!!!!!! Is she giving up her naps already?????!!!!!!!!
While walking with my kids today we came across a little dead bird. Not to be graphic (but this needs to be said), the only parts of the bird were it's little legs, feet and bottom half...the top half was nowhere to be found. I explained to my kids that sometimes animals, like cats, like to eat birds. My son stared ...at him and said, "ooooh, I hope he's gonna be okay." It was kind of a "Dumb and Dumber" moment.
is wondering if "No Pudge Fudge Brownies" are still "no pudge" if you add chocolate chips to the batter and then eat them with vanilla ice cream...hmmm...
I got to go out ALL afternoon ALL by myself and do some shopping and have lunch!!....Then I decided to try on bathing suits...aaaah, that was a buzz kill!....I spent the rest of my time trying to figure out how to feel better...so I had some chocolate cake (that should make for an even more pleasant fitting room experience the next time I go).
I'm running an infirmary over here so if you've got a sick kid, come on over and join the fun! We've got fevers, coughing, colorful nasal discharge, "the runs" (my personal favorite), an ear infection, and one mouth infection (following closely behind "the runs" in the "favorite" category). Also, if you're a mom and ...feeling like you're on the edge of losing it, you can come join in the fun too!
It's supposed to be around 92 today. My son and his preschool class went on a field trip today to a berry farm. They went on a hayride and then into a GREENHOUSE!!! Okay, so the last place I would want to be today is in a GREENHOUSE! One of his little classmates PASSED OUT! She's okay I guess but had to be taken b...y ambulance to a hospital as a precaution. Fun times with 3 & 4 year olds!
We showed our 4 year old how to change the channels with the remote so that he can put on Curious George in the morning. George is on channel 44...he hit an extra 4 today...boy am I glad we're not subscribed to "Playboy en espanol"! That would have been a spicy variation to our usual PBS morning.
No hablo espanol
My children have been watching A LOT of "Dora the Explorer" and "Diego - Animal Rescuer" on Nick and Nick Jr. For those of you who don't have kids, or don't have these stations, let me fill you in about these two shows. First of all they are very educational in that they teach math, sequencing, memory strategies, Spanish etc. At the core they are great shows, but in reality, I just want to throttle Dora by the end of the show! Yes yes, I know she's just a cartoon, and yes yes, the fact that I want to physically harm a fake person is both odd and slightly frightening; but if you had to listen to her talk as much as I do, you would want to do the same thing. First of all, her head is ginormous (WAY too big for her body), and secondly, she YELL talks (she constantly sounds like she is talking over a large noisy crowd of people...and it REALLY gets on my nerves). Diego doesn't bother me as much, his head is the appropriate size and he doesn't YELL talk quite as loud as Dora, but there is something about his overall demeanor that rubs me the wrong way. However, I've digressed from the main reason for this post (although it felt good to get that off my chest). The point of this post is that my children have not only been yelling at the t.v. in Spanish, but they've also been using Spanish in every day conversation, and it's just jaw droppingly cute!
There have been the little things like "Hola Mom" when greeting me, or "muy bien" when commenting on something I've cooked for them (clearly my son knows good cooking when he tastes it :-). But there have been new and more amazing things too. The other day we were driving down the street and Brian said, "that house is amarillo (yellow)" and then Kate piped in with, "that car is rojo (red)". By the way, I'm googling all these words as I go along typing this because I'm not 100% how to spell them!!! Then Kate asked, "what is pink in Spanish?" and Brian responded, "I thinks it's blanco rojo (white/red)" because he knows white and red make pink! Then he went on to say, "And I think gray is blanco negro (white and black)."
The cutest thing of them all though was listening to Brian (age 4) teach Kelly (19 months) Spanish. The two of them were sitting on the kitchen floor this morning eating potato chips out of a huge bag of potato chips that KELLY was holding (who gave the toddler a huge bag of chips to hold anyway?? :-). All of a sudden I could hear Brian say, "Kelly we're going to be leaving soon so we have to say adios! Adi means good, and os means bye. Can you say that? Say adi." So Kelly said, "adi". And then Brian said, "say os", so Kelly said "os." Brian said, "Very good Kelly you said adios. Goodbye. Adios means goodbye. Right Kell?" To which Kelly said, "Right Bry", and then she grabbed another handful of chips.
I guess I'll suck it up and endure thousands more hours of Dora, if it means that I can witness something as cute as that!
ADIOS for now!!
There have been the little things like "Hola Mom" when greeting me, or "muy bien" when commenting on something I've cooked for them (clearly my son knows good cooking when he tastes it :-). But there have been new and more amazing things too. The other day we were driving down the street and Brian said, "that house is amarillo (yellow)" and then Kate piped in with, "that car is rojo (red)". By the way, I'm googling all these words as I go along typing this because I'm not 100% how to spell them!!! Then Kate asked, "what is pink in Spanish?" and Brian responded, "I thinks it's blanco rojo (white/red)" because he knows white and red make pink! Then he went on to say, "And I think gray is blanco negro (white and black)."
The cutest thing of them all though was listening to Brian (age 4) teach Kelly (19 months) Spanish. The two of them were sitting on the kitchen floor this morning eating potato chips out of a huge bag of potato chips that KELLY was holding (who gave the toddler a huge bag of chips to hold anyway?? :-). All of a sudden I could hear Brian say, "Kelly we're going to be leaving soon so we have to say adios! Adi means good, and os means bye. Can you say that? Say adi." So Kelly said, "adi". And then Brian said, "say os", so Kelly said "os." Brian said, "Very good Kelly you said adios. Goodbye. Adios means goodbye. Right Kell?" To which Kelly said, "Right Bry", and then she grabbed another handful of chips.
I guess I'll suck it up and endure thousands more hours of Dora, if it means that I can witness something as cute as that!
ADIOS for now!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
He speaks the truth
The other day Brian, Kate and I headed down to Taunton for my niece's birthday party. On the way down Brian said in a very innocent yet confident way, "I have GREAT eyes, but sometimes I just don't know which direction to look" (I had been pointing out things on the left and the right of the car). Then he said, "Kate has perfect eyes too, just like me." Well you know what my little love? You are right on!
Oh, I'm in trouble!
So Little Miss Kelly has gotten much better at using her words, which is good because she's not screaming as much, but is bad because I'm REALLY beginning to see what a STRONG and DETERMINED little girl she is (more power to her...I guess). Tonight she was coming down the stairs and I reached out my hand to help her. She looked at me with a furrowed brow and said (well, shouted), "Self! No! I do it!" When she got to the bottom of the stairs she ran to the couch and said (well, shouted), "Want show!" I said, "No Kelly, it's time for bed." She replied, "No! Want one show!" Um, she's only 19 months old. Lord, give me strength!!
Something Positive
This is the first time in years that I've had a dessert over the weekend and then not continued the "sugar fest" into the week. Usually once I start I can't stop, but the day is almost done and I've not had one dessert. There is hope for me yet!! Oh, and I exercised Friday, Saturday and Sunday!! One day at a time....
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Cute Kate and her new BIG girl bed
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A rambling post about a few things
I'm trying to gear myself up to get the troops all lathered up (in sunscreen that is) on this, heat index of 105 degree day. I'll be sweating by the time bathing suits and sunscreen are applied, and this will all happen BEFORE we step a foot outside!! I'm trying to figure out which I prefer, summer prep to go outside, or winter prep to go outside. I've managed to sunscreen myself, but I have a wicked (and I mean wicked) sinus headache. The thought of sitting, I mean following Kelly around, in the HOT sweltering sun is making my head pound even more! Maybe I'll just sit on the sprinkler, not next to it. I'll just park it right on top :-)
I've been trying to keep them busy all morning, without t.v., but I finally caved and they're on a Dora and Diego marathon. I can hear them (all of them) shouting Spanish at the t.v.! The other day I came in the kitchen and Brian said, "Hola mommy! Como estas?" I almost fell over (then I found out that Jeff has been working on Spanish with them, during the nighttime routine. They have Dora toothpaste, so they've been talking to Dora while they brush. The other day Brian and Kate were saying something to each other at the table (and I still have NO CLUE what it was!!). Before long they'll be telling me off and talking about me behind my back and I'll be like, "what are you guys talking about?"
This morning I could hear Brian making two of his dinosaurs talk with each other, when all of a sudden I heard them saying, "Stop it! Just stop it! I'm sick of it! Sick! of! it!" Then Kate chimed in, "Hey Bry, that's what mommy say!" I didn't hear a response, which means Brian either nodded in agreement, or he possibly whispered something to her in Spanish!!
Uh oh! I hear crying....Adios!!!!!!
I've been trying to keep them busy all morning, without t.v., but I finally caved and they're on a Dora and Diego marathon. I can hear them (all of them) shouting Spanish at the t.v.! The other day I came in the kitchen and Brian said, "Hola mommy! Como estas?" I almost fell over (then I found out that Jeff has been working on Spanish with them, during the nighttime routine. They have Dora toothpaste, so they've been talking to Dora while they brush. The other day Brian and Kate were saying something to each other at the table (and I still have NO CLUE what it was!!). Before long they'll be telling me off and talking about me behind my back and I'll be like, "what are you guys talking about?"
This morning I could hear Brian making two of his dinosaurs talk with each other, when all of a sudden I heard them saying, "Stop it! Just stop it! I'm sick of it! Sick! of! it!" Then Kate chimed in, "Hey Bry, that's what mommy say!" I didn't hear a response, which means Brian either nodded in agreement, or he possibly whispered something to her in Spanish!!
Uh oh! I hear crying....Adios!!!!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Yes, he really IS "that cute!"
The 4th!
Here are a few pictures from yesterday. Something seems to be wrong with the system and I can't upload anymore photos. Anyway, we had an AWESOME day at Nonni and B's house, with Nonni and B (of course) and my Brother, Elena and the completely edible Michael Daniel! The weather was HOT but that didn't stop us from enjoying good food, good fun, laughs and the Duxbury, 4th of July parade. I could have done without the 500 politicians that were in the parade...okay, slight exaggeration...there were only 400, but all in all it was a good parade with LOTS and LOTS of candy! It didn't take Kelly long to catch on to what was being thrown off the firetrucks and floats, and she was right in there with all the other kids diving for candy. Speaking of Kelly, we are 99% certain she finished off my mother's vodka gimlet that was left on the porch. What tipped us off? The fact that she was carrying around the empty glass....and that she had a tupperware bowl on her head (of course, Kelly would probably have done that with or without any alcohol). Not to fear though, there wasn't much left in the glass, but then again Kelly is only about 20 pounds (I mean, how much does it take to get a 20 pound toddler buzzed??). No harm done though, she seems to be just fine today.
It was by far one of the best fourth of July weekends I've ever had....thanks to my beautiful family!!!

It was by far one of the best fourth of July weekends I've ever had....thanks to my beautiful family!!!
My little garden that I'm so very proud of!
I decided to become a gardener this year. One day I picked up a shovel and started doing some edging around our yard, and I was hooked! So far I've edged around the front of the house and around our dogwood tree. I've planted a mini flower garden on our side lawn, and have put flowers in front of the house and in our window boxes. HOWEVER, my pride and joy is my little vegetable garden. I've got 4 tomato plants, two summer squash plants that are taking over, and my neighbor Katrina is also growing some basil and rosemary. I also have a small pot of carrots and a planter with some sugar snap peas (we'll see what happens with those as I planted them very late in the season). If you've never gardened, don't be afraid of it!!! It's SO awesome to watch a seed you've planted grow into something big and beautiful!

Weight loss journey
Hello folks and happy July 5th! I should be posting a picture of myself as well as updating my "weight loss" journey right now, but we'll just skip this month, shall we? Without getting into detail let me just put it this way: If you're a diabetic you should probably stay clear of me, for I fear just being around me might put your system completely over the edge. I don't want to be the cause of any harm or suffering to those around me. So what is my plan?? Well, once again it's to get off sugar. I joined a sugar addiction support forum last summer, which is totally where I should be going to right now for well, support. The thing is, I think I'm still in a bit of denial that I'm addicted. No that's not right, I know I'm addicted, I'm just scared of quitting (and part of me doesn't want to quit). However, moderation or "small amounts" of desserts are not an option for me right now, it's got to be all or nothing. I need to detox...BAD! I'm just thankful it's sugar and not alcohol or drugs. Having said all that, I've THOROUGHLY enjoyed all the sugar I've eaten! Oh sugar! Shame shame on you for being so good!!!
Say some prayers for me :-) I really want to get healthy and sugar is NOT healthy. My post for August 5th will be a positive one!!!!
Say some prayers for me :-) I really want to get healthy and sugar is NOT healthy. My post for August 5th will be a positive one!!!!
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