Friday, March 26, 2010

Afraid to look!

Today I gave Brian and Kate their lunch and then headed into the bathroom to put on my makeup, finally. All of a sudden I can hear them laughing and then laughing louder and then saying, "now do it to me!" I yelled from the bathroom, "What are you doing out there?" To which Kate replied, "We are doing something to each other that we've never done before!" Brian then chimed in, "We're wiggling each other." I had to go see what "wiggling" was, and if it was safe. As I rounded the corner I witnessed Kate tugging on Brian's arm back and forth with all of her might, and then Brian returning the favor to Kate. Did I mention that they sit on booster seats that aren't the most stable things. I hate to ruin fun, but fun like that is bound to end up with someone head first on the floor. I asked them to please stop wiggling each other for the time being, but told them that they could resume wiggling on the living room floor once lunch had ended. There was no arguing. I guess mommy made a great compromise for a change. I was then able to go back to the bathroom and put mascara on both eyes (good thing I remembered only one eye had been beautified!).

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