Pictured below is the the victim: the ever gorgeous Dorothy Rafferty. If you look closely you'll notice that she is not smiling and acting carefree as one should during their birthday celebration. Something had gone awry. She could sense that something of hers, a crutch of sorts, had been taken from her.
Pictured below is the villain himself (clearly his mother's son, but don't call him Roger...that's an inside joke), caught red handed with The Nana's cane. Sure he's cute, sure he's little, sure he's probably unstable on steps and I should have helped him rather than take his picture....but he DID have a cane for crying out loud (and he appeared to know how to use it!).
He's almost there....
Here we have a Kelly in the foreground (eating a cupcake), part of our villain off to the left, and what appears to be the stolen merchandise, which has now served it's purpose, and has been tossed aside for anyone to trip on (again...I could have helped by moving the cane, but I was very busy taking pictures).
So, what was the purpose of this crime? Was there a victory treat at the end of the road for this little man? Oh, I think there was! One can only hope that those squeezable cheeks were filled with cookies or cake, and NOT the contents of the empty Corona bottle on the bench behind him.
The jury is still out on whether or not my two daughters, and half of Michael's sister, Maeve, are guilty of any crimes that enabled them to make it to the dessert tent. But one thing is clear. The dessert tent was the place to be, even if it meant stealing from the elderly to get there.
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