I took my kids to McDonald's for lunch today. When we entered Mcd's a young (VERY young) mother, who was sitting with her son (about 4) and her sister (because they totally looked alike), smiled at me, and I at her (I have to mention this pleasant exchange because it's important to the story). I sat the kids down in a booth and we began eating. Soon after we sat, the young woman and her sister finished eating and sat down to enjoy the free wi-fi courtesy of Mcd's. I can only assume that the two women were checking their email or got sucked into facebook (something I know nothing about), because they were totally ignoring the little boy. The little boy's displeasure of being ignored started of mild but quickly escalated.
Initially he just wandered around Mcd's but he seemed to get bored with that because he began spinning the chairs around at a table where a guy was eating (mother and sister completely oblivious to this, and they guy finally said something to the little boy), then he started climbing all over the stacks of high chairs, then he stood WAY too close to my table (actually right at my table) staring at my kids and making faces at them, etc. etc. The mother and sister would take intermittent breaks from the computer to yell at him to "stop it" or to "come here", but then they would turn their backs to him and get back to important computer stuff. (Did I mention that the mother was really young, no wedding band, pregnant, and in a totally tight "boob overflowing" tank top, with low rise jeans?? I'm just trying to help develop a mental picture for all of you).
The final straw for me was when he went over to his mother and took the unopened straw for her drink. THIS got her attention. She said something like, "I take you to McDonald's for a hamburger and an ice cream and this is how you act? See if we come here again!" Turns out he took the straw to open it up for her, because he then brought it back and put it in her drink. However, she didn't say "thank you" but rather, pulled the drink out of his hands and told him to "knock it off". Honestly, my heart was breaking for this kid. It was at this point that I made eye contact with THE MOTHER and I SPOKE to her. It was ALL for the kid folks, I was just feeling so bad for him.
Before I tell you what I said, let me say this: I knew that anything I said to her would not be taken in the best way, I knew it would seem confrontational, and I knew something would be said back. However, I am still laughing (and in slight shock) over the extent of the reaction. So back to what happened: I smiled and said, "I think he's acting out because he's not getting any attention from you." WELL, this resulted in my getting a verbal assault from both the mother and her sister, and it lasted for a few minutes. I heard, " He gets plenty of attention at home," and "Come here Shawn, come here Shawny, you get more attention than you need at home," and, "I'm in school nights to be a teacher, so don't you tell ME how to treat kids." It continued on as they walked out the door, but when I ever looked out the window to see the sister making a circle around her eye, pointing at me and then mouthing, "I've got my EYE on you!", that I totally lost it and just started laughing (but I didn't laugh in her direction because I started to get freaked that she might be in a gang or something and that she actually would be waiting for me in the parking lot!) Below I've recreated the parking lot scene.
Initially he just wandered around Mcd's but he seemed to get bored with that because he began spinning the chairs around at a table where a guy was eating (mother and sister completely oblivious to this, and they guy finally said something to the little boy), then he started climbing all over the stacks of high chairs, then he stood WAY too close to my table (actually right at my table) staring at my kids and making faces at them, etc. etc. The mother and sister would take intermittent breaks from the computer to yell at him to "stop it" or to "come here", but then they would turn their backs to him and get back to important computer stuff. (Did I mention that the mother was really young, no wedding band, pregnant, and in a totally tight "boob overflowing" tank top, with low rise jeans?? I'm just trying to help develop a mental picture for all of you).
The final straw for me was when he went over to his mother and took the unopened straw for her drink. THIS got her attention. She said something like, "I take you to McDonald's for a hamburger and an ice cream and this is how you act? See if we come here again!" Turns out he took the straw to open it up for her, because he then brought it back and put it in her drink. However, she didn't say "thank you" but rather, pulled the drink out of his hands and told him to "knock it off". Honestly, my heart was breaking for this kid. It was at this point that I made eye contact with THE MOTHER and I SPOKE to her. It was ALL for the kid folks, I was just feeling so bad for him.
Before I tell you what I said, let me say this: I knew that anything I said to her would not be taken in the best way, I knew it would seem confrontational, and I knew something would be said back. However, I am still laughing (and in slight shock) over the extent of the reaction. So back to what happened: I smiled and said, "I think he's acting out because he's not getting any attention from you." WELL, this resulted in my getting a verbal assault from both the mother and her sister, and it lasted for a few minutes. I heard, " He gets plenty of attention at home," and "Come here Shawn, come here Shawny, you get more attention than you need at home," and, "I'm in school nights to be a teacher, so don't you tell ME how to treat kids." It continued on as they walked out the door, but when I ever looked out the window to see the sister making a circle around her eye, pointing at me and then mouthing, "I've got my EYE on you!", that I totally lost it and just started laughing (but I didn't laugh in her direction because I started to get freaked that she might be in a gang or something and that she actually would be waiting for me in the parking lot!) Below I've recreated the parking lot scene.
The best part came after they left. A family had witnessed the whole thing and as I passed them on my way out the husband said, "You were right in what you said," and then his wife (who was half my size, in both height and weight) said she would have "had my back" if it had gone any further. (still laughing at that one). How did my kids handle all this you ask? There was a HUGE t.v. at this McD's with a Mickey Mouse show on....yeah, my kids were oblivious to everything besides the tube!
I'm glad I said something. I'm all for speaking up for those who can't speak up for themselves. In this instance, I spoke up for a little boy, who I'm sure, was not being ignored for the first time.
1 comment:
This is just the best story ever! So glad you spoke up,,,but the reactions are priceless,,,and still laughing at, "got your back" statement. Did you say she was pregnant again? well,,now she will have another child to ignore,,but at least Shawn will have someone to play with. poor kid
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